package xconst

Import Path (on

Dependency Relation
	imports 0 packages, and imported by 3 packages

Involved Source Files xconst.go
Package-Level Variables (total 2)
AxisNames is all the possible Axis identifiers wrapped in an array for convenience
NodeTypes is all the possible node tests wrapped in an array for convenience
Package-Level Constants (total 17)
AxisAncestor represents the "ancestor" axis
AxisAncestorOrSelf represents the "ancestor-or-self" axis
AxisAttribute represents the "attribute" axis
AxisChild represents the "child" axis
AxisDescendent represents the "descendant" axis
AxisDescendentOrSelf represents the "descendant-or-self" axis
AxisFollowing represents the "following" axis
AxisFollowingSibling represents the "following-sibling" axis
AxisNamespace represents the "namespace" axis
AxisParent represents the "parent" axis
AxisPreceding represents the "preceding" axis
AxisPrecedingSibling represents the "preceding-sibling" axis
AxisSelf represents the "self" axis
NodeTypeComment represents the "comment" node test
NodeTypeNode represents the "node" node test
NodeTypeProcInst represents the "processing-instruction" node test
NodeTypeText represents the "text" node test